Sunday, August 17, 2014

Do you 'Show and Tell'?

I clearly remember my first experience as a teacher with Show and Tell - I invited the entire class to bring in something to share.  All I can say is "NEVER AGAIN!!"

However, students love it and it really is a great way to work on speaking and listening so I couldn;t scrap it altogether.  A few years ago I finally figured it out!

So, here's how Show and Tells works in my classroom now.

•Whoever my special helper of the day is gets to take home the bag that night. 
•When they arrive the next morning they keep their show and tell a secret and provide the class with 3 clues.  Example – it has wheels, or I made it myself.  Some students even carefully write their clues down the night before.
•They may then ask 3 students to guess what they think it is.
After the ‘reveal’ they tell us about it and choose 3 students to ask them a question about their item.

I have 2 Show and Tell bags just in case a student is absent and has one at home.  On the front I sew a note to explain the process which you can download for free HERE.

I laminated the sign and sewed it to the front, but you could just place it inside.

I'm so pleased with the outcome!

Just before I go... if you own my math posters that were one of my first products in my store, please redownload - they look WAY cuter now!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!


  1. Love the Show and Tell bag. Last year, I had 1 students. So far, this year, only 14. However, I hear of classes of 30-33. I cannot imagine picking a day for Show and Tell. Despite the connection to the standards, you'd accomplish nothing else for that day. I love the 'special helper' designation. This is a great help. Thank you.

    1. 14 students? Wow! You'll be able to give lots of one on one support :)

  2. Great idea! I used to do Show and Tell every Friday- let me say I dreaded it & it was the worst afternoon of the week. Last year I started letting the student of the week share one item each every day of their week. This is far more enjoyable. I usually do it the last minute or two of class. They tell us a little bit about it & show us and it's over. YAY!

  3. This is a great way to make Show and Tell more engaging.
