Friday, October 12, 2012

2 more, 2 less

How are your students doing with understanding 2 more and 2 less?  Mine are doing very well with 1 more and 1 less but are having a harder time understanding 2 more and an even more difficult time with 2 less.  Since they love playing games I have been using this I Have... Who Has...? game this week for practice.
I have included a mini-chart for teaching and review.  It could then be hung on your math wall for a visual.  There are 30 playing cards so if you are lucky enough to have a smaller class a few students will need to have 2 cards.  I also included a student sheet so you can do an independent check of student progress.
I would love to giveaway a copy to the first 2 followers who leave a comment on this post.  Don't forget your email!  If you miss out, no worries I am selling this activity for $1.  You can find it at my TPT store by clicking on the picture.


  1. This is fantastic. My kids would love this. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Send me your email at and I'll send you a copy :-)

  2. These are great! I just bought 2 gumball machines at Dollar Tree!

  3. Katie Lyons ( 12, 2012 at 10:49 PM

    This is super cute Laureen! Is it new? This is a concept second graders have trouble with as well. Great mental math activity!

    1. Thanks :) I used it last year too. It's a concept that is so easy for some, but really challenging for others!

  4. Thanks for stopping by! I just checkout out your personalised bears - they're adorable!!
