Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Build a Snowman - 8 Math Games!

Have you seen snow where you are yet?  We've had just a dusting but it has gotten me into the winter spirit.  Using the same learning outcomes found in my Build a Santa pack I have a created a Build a Snowman pack that includes 8 learning games which my students will tell you are for LEARNING and FUN!
It includes eight learning games that cover the following:
Roll and Count
Add 1
Add 2
Add 5
Add 10
Doubles +1
Subtract 1

Each game is played with a dice and has an I Can student instruction card to help build independence.
You'll also find a colour and black and white option for each page.
Here's a little peek:

As always, I'd love to give a few of these learning packs away.  I'll send a copy to the first 3 people who comment on this post :)

If you're celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow enjoy your day!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Magic E

Magic E, Bossy E, Super E ... whatever you call it, it's an important letter.

My kiddos loved creating these Magic Es!! They turned out absolutely adorable!!

You can download the pieces you need to create your own Magic E HERE.

We have also been enjoying this adorable video.

Here in Canada, we had Thanksgiving weeks ago, but if you're celebrating Thanksgiving this week ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Build a Santa

I always tell my students that games are played for two reasons
learning and fun !!
For these reasons I incorporate games in my planning.

I've just added a new learning pack to my TPT store HERE.

It includes eight learning games that cover the following:
Roll and Count
Add 1
Add 2
Add 5
Add 10
Doubles +1
Subtract 1
All pages are included in both color and b&w and each includes an 'I can' student instruction card to build student independence.

As always (although I haven't been posting often lately!) I will send a free copy to the first 3 people who comment on this post.
Enjoy the rest of your day!